So how does it work?

We look after your repeat slip - Once you have filled in the form we will be able to hold on to your repeat slip, giving us all the details we need to order and collect your repeat prescription.

We contact your GP for you so there’s no more running back and forth to your doctor’s surgery each time your prescription is due. We will contact them in plenty of time and then pick up your prescription for you.

We make sure your medicines are ready when you need them - Just choose a time that’s convenient for you and we will have your prescription made up and ready for you to collect.

We can take your next order there and then - What could be easier? We can even deliver your medicines to you free of charge.

You save the time and hassle.

Sign up to our free Repeat Prescription service

Simply download and complete the Repeat Prescription sign up form and take it along to your local Davey’s Chemist. Alternatively pick up a form in the pharmacy. We can also help you fill it in; all you have to do is ask.

Click here to download a repeat prescription sign up form

Davey's Chemist Delivery Team

Our prescriptions are hand delivered quickly and reliably by our expert team of professional delivery drivers.